Frequently Asked Questions



Noon Academy enforces a strict Nut-Free Policy.

To avoid severe food allergies, it is important that there is complete avoidance to any exposure of peanuts/nuts; as any such exposure may cause a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. 

In addition to peanuts and nuts, eggs, diary, fish, and shell foods may also be restricted in your child’s classroom. We ask that each of our families, students and visitors consider the life-threatening situation that can be caused by the above-mentioned food allergies. We are confident that you will support us in our effort to guarantee the safety and health of all Noon Kids, knowing that at times, this will require reading labels before packing food for your child's snack or lunch. Specific allergies will be posted in each classroom and parents are asked to learn about and respect all class restrictions. 

Special needs / Gifted learner support

Noon Academy has a full-time curriculum planner who supports teachers by providing recommendations and guidance for students who are either performing below or above provincial standards. General IEP support is also provided when needed, which may include accommodations or modifications. 

Noon Academy’s Code of Conduct

Noon Academy strives to attain the highest standards in the education and well-being of our students, parents of our students, staff and all Noon Academy community members and visitors. 

In order to achieve those standards all administration, staff and students agree to: 

  • Put safety first and NEVER act in any way that may harm ourselves or another person. 

  • Treat each other with respect by treating everyone as we want to be treated. 

  • Take care of the school by respecting the property, materials and supplies. 

  • Work collaboratively to make Noon Academy a safe, welcoming and friendly environment that is clean, aesthetically pleasing and well organized.  

  • Help each other to obtain our shared vision and individual goals. 

  • Be proactive members of the school and the community around it.

  • Maintain personal hygiene and ensure that all areas that used for learning and storing our personal belongings are clean and free of offensive odors. 

  • Be leaders in change and development – not dreamers or complainers. 

In order to succeed in their education and become the best they can be, Noon Academy students must first and foremost want to succeed. With this desire students take on the responsibility of their learning by: 

  • Believing in themselves and acknowledging that with effort and dedication anything and everything is possible.

  • Attending school regularly with the desire to learn.

  • Being punctual and prepared for class.

  • Thinking about their learning strengths and weaknesses and working together with their teachers and counselors to overcome their weaknesses and to continually improve on their strengths. 

  • Thinking outside the box, trying new things, taking different approaches, sharing a variety of views and respecting each other’s opinions. 

  • Making meaning out of their new learnings by applying and expanding them into their lives outside the school. 

Parental Involvement

Studies show that children with parents who take an active role in their education do better both academically and socially.

Each term we host a parent’s night to discuss the growth and development of Noon Academy, receive input on school programmes, and to create committees and support for new school initiatives. The school welcomes parent involvement in a variety of ways around the school and asks for parental assistance throughout the year as it is needed.


Noon Academy follows the Ministry of Education policies around assessment, evaluation, and reporting outlined in their Growing Success document.  Assessment and evaluation are based on the curriculum expectations and levels of achievement outlined in the provincial curriculum document for each course. Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three different sources: teacher observations, conversations with the student and student products. We have three formal reporting times in each academic year: a progress report by November 20th, a comprehensive first term report by February 20th and a final end of the school year report card on the last day of the school year. 

Noon Academy’s report cards reflect your child’s growth in the six provincial Learning Skills, all curriculum content areas, and the Ontario performance standards. 

For more detailed information please refer to the reporting section in the Parent’s Handbook.


All students must wear the full uniform every day. Parents are requested to be mindful that their child(ren) are in complete uniform and that it is neat and clean especially on Friday for Salatul Juma’a.


  • Navy Blue (no jeans, cargo, sweat, tights, or workout pants)

  • White shirt

  • Grey Noon Academy embroidered tunic dress

  • White hijab


  • Navy Blue Pants (no jeans, cargo, sweat, or workout pants)

  • White shirt with Noon Academy embroidered vest or 

  • White noon academy embroidered polo shirt


Noon Academy promotes open communication in many ways. Parents are provided with a handbook that has up-to-date information about all school procedures and policies and a monthly calendar that includes all the dates of the schools events, monthly themes, and activities. It is critical that parents read through these documents as most future communications are related to them. Current events, activities, reminders, and surveys are also shared with all parents at least three days in advance on our  ‘Noon School Updates’ WhatsApp group. 

In addition, homeroom teachers send a monthly newsletter home which contains information in regard to their own classroom. These include information about key learning objectives, important dates (tests, projects, presentations etc.), previous months recaps, and other things students / families can look forward to.

Parent/teacher interviews are held three times per year to discuss student growth, next steps, and to discuss students individual learning goal. In addition, parent meetings may be arranged when a parents or teacher feels it is necessary throughout the school year. 

All staff and teachers have emails and are usually expected to respond to inquiries within 24 hours (Monday – Friday).